3M have a well established reputation of imaginative product development across a broad range of technologies. 3Ms product innovation is driven by a dedication to producing products that provide genuine solutions to real world problems, or products that simply speed up processes making everyday tasks easier, quicker, more efficient and more cost effective.  This commitment has put them in a market leading position in many fields. From personal protective equipment to adhesives and Insulation-displacement connector connectors to abrasives.

3M are responsible for some of the world’s best-known brands and proprietary technologies including: Cubitron, Cool Flow, Scotch, Scotch-Brite, Scotch-Weld, Scotchcast, SprayMount, Scotchlok, Scotchfil, VHB, Dual Lock, SecureFit, Peltor, EAR, SPEEDGLAS, Versaflo and Command.

Science...is just science. Until you make it improve the world.

Science is at the heart of everything 3M does and our technologies touch virtually every part of your daily life, even though you're probably only aware of a fraction of the ways that 3M Science improves your life.

See how 3M applies science to life

Featured Products

3M™ Particulate Respirators 8825+ and 8835+

  • Breath easy - with improved filter construction
  • Cool and comfortable - Cool Flow™ valve effectively removes exhaled air
  • Better fit - with new soft, pliable face seal
  • Long Lasting - new durable face seal can be wiped clean after use

3M™ VHB™ Tapes

  • Double coated tapes with a 100% acrylic foam adhesive core
  • Bonding product parts with precision, ease, reliability and strength
  • Eliminating rivets, screws, bolts, and welds and improving design construction, aesthetics and productivity.
  • Resist hot, cold and cycling temperatures, UV light, moisture and solvents

3M™ Cubitron™ II Abrasives

  • Precision-shaped grain in CubitronTM II abrasives continuously fracture to form sharp points and edges
  • Cut faster & cooler
  • Stay sharper longer
  • Require less pressure

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